Why Web Application & API Security So Important!

Web application and API security are front and center as they are identified as a leading cause of data breaches and analyst firms continue to identify APIs as a top threat vector. The growth in DevOps, scalability in exchanging data with partners, and increasing usage of open-source software by organizations are key drivers in the reliance of applications and thus a growth in cyber risk. FortifyData identifies public and private application security risks within your organization and prioritizes them so you can address them quickly.

What is Application Security

Application security refers to the measures and practices implemented to protect software applications from security vulnerabilities and attacks. It involves identifying and mitigating potential security risks and ensuring that applications are designed, developed, and deployed with security in mind.
Application security risks refer to vulnerabilities and threats that can compromise the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of an application. These risks can result in unauthorized access, data breaches, information leakage, financial loss, or damage to the reputation of individuals or organizations. Here are some common application security risks:
To mitigate these risks, organizations should adopt secure coding practices, conduct regular security assessments and penetration testing, implement strong authentication and access controls, keep software and libraries updated, and educate users about security best practices.

How can Nanjgel Help?

Nanjgel is Partnered with one of the Best Cyber Security Vendor who identifies public and private application security risks within your organization and prioritizes them so you can address them quickly. For More Information, write to: sales@nanjgel.com

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